7 May 2025 -
11 May 2025

Northern Europe's hardest ultra race
350 km non-stop along the coast around Funen

We invite you on the adventure of a lifetime to remote beaches, isolated islets and desolate forests.
Every step you take is a unique exploration of some of the most stunning and challenging coastal landscapes in Denmark.
The single loop consists of a multitude of small paths, footpaths and forest roads in combination with long stretches without definite paths along the coast. We have done everything to avoid asphalt and give you as much of a nature experience as possible.
Are you ready for the challenge of a lifetime?

This race is not for the faint of heart - less than 30% complete
Free parking in RaceCamp during the event for participants
Free accommodation in a dormitory in RaceCamp in a dormitory before and after the start
Free transport from RaceCamp to the start
We follow the more than 1,000-year-old historic Funen routes, which date all the way back to the Viking Age. After the Vikings, it was the infamous pirate king Marsk Stig who ruled the territory until today, where the fantastic landscape still attracts artists and outdoor enthusiasts from all over the world.
NO Course Markings - GPX-route is announced 14 days before start. 
Along the way, there will be checkpoints and 2 sleeping stations, where you can fill up the depots and take a rest before continuing along the route.
To become one of the "raw few" you must complete in less than 100 hours, but you are welcome to continue even if the time limit has been exceeded.
Free transport back to RaceCamp when you've had enough...We follow in the trails of our +1000 years of history, starting in the ancient viking era passing dangerous times when privateer Marsk Stig prevailed the territory until present time where the stunning landscape still captivates artists and outdoor enthusiasts from the whole world. 

Endurance Race
Europe Ultra events is considered "Endurance Runs" and as such it is not considered a competitive event but rather a life accomplishment. We will record finish times and award top finishers but the accomplishment of the participants in cycling or running it is in the experience of it, not how fast you can finish it. Therefore, the spirit of the event is captured in the journey, rather than in each participant's end result.

Participants should have ultra distance experience, experience in fastpacking and be incredibly well trained, cold trained and prepared to carry a heavy pack for days on end. Please consider all these factors before registering for this event.

For the most detailed information, please see our Foot Racers manuals.

Volunteers also get a good dose of adventure!
We would love to have your help - especially in the racedays! 
Register for free as volunteer!
Remember to inform us how man days you can volunteer, for example: "week before race, XXX" "April 5-8," "I can help any and all days," "Saturday."
Any notes that we should know about you, for example: medical qualifications (doctor, nurse, EMT), physical limitations or abilities (can you run a section of the course or cooking abilities etc.)

 Event information
07 May 2025
11 May 2025
Fyns Hoved
Gabet 35
5370 Mesinge
See map below
Registration closes 6 May 2025 00:00
350 km
Starts at 06:00

Price per participant
Price 3,750.00 DKK + fee
Fee: 16.00 DKK + 0.8% per participant
350 km
Starts at 06:00

Price per participant
Price 3,750.00 DKK + fee
Fee: 16.00 DKK + 0.8% per participant
350 km
Starts at 06:00

Price per participant
Price 3,750.00 DKK + fee
Fee: 16.00 DKK + 0.8% per participant
350 km
Starts at 06:00

Price per participant
Price 3,750.00 DKK + fee
Fee: 16.00 DKK + 0.8% per participant


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Fyn Ultra 2025

  • Fyns Hoved
  • Gabet 35
  • 5370 Mesinge
  • Denmark