Herre C Holbæk (Youth Tour 2023 #4 RR)


Matias l Søndergaard
Team Mascot WorkWear

Withdrawn during race

Distance U19
Laps 9
Distance in total 82.62 km
Distance (lap) 9.18 km
Average lap 15:33
35.42 km/h
Fastest lap 13:24
41.08 km/h
Slowest lap 21:59
25.05 km/h
Chip status
Participant (#78)
Matias l Søndergaard
Team Mascot WorkWear
Male, 17 years (18 today)
U19 Ungdom male

Age category is calculated based on the birthyear of the athlete. The age at 31 December 2023.

Swipe horizontally to view all splits
Lap Total time
Time Pace Time Time of day
Lap 1 13:51 39.74 km/h 13:51 13:28:51
Lap 2 13:24 41.08 km/h 27:16 13:42:16
Lap 3 13:30 40.79 km/h 40:46 13:55:46
Lap 4 14:50 37.10 km/h 55:37 14:10:37
Lap 5 14:22 38.30 km/h 1:09:59 14:24:59
Lap 6 14:26 38.13 km/h 1:24:26 14:39:26
Lap 7 14:37 37.66 km/h 1:39:04 14:54:04
Lap 8 18:54 29.12 km/h 1:57:58 15:12:58
Lap 9 21:59 25.05 km/h 2:19:58 15:34:58
Lap times
Timing by DCU Distrikt Sjælland. Sportstiming is only responsible for registration.
For result queries please e-mail: michael.wolter@rockwool.com