Sanna Aalto
Karjala Triathlon

Finish time

Hours Minutes Seconds

Distance Classic - Age Group (Start1)
Swim 23:41 1 km
Transition 1 3:04
Bike 2:48:58 40 km
Transition 2 1:09
Run 1:01:54 10 km
Participant (#169)
Sanna Aalto
Karjala Triathlon
Female, 1977
35-39 year female

Age category is calculated based on the birthyear of the athlete. The age at 31 December 2016.

Split times
Swipe horizontally to view all splits
Split time Discipline total Total time
Distance Time Pace Time Time
Svim 1 KM 1 km 23:41 2:22 min/100m 23:41 23:41
Split time Discipline total Total time
Time Time Time
T1 3:04 3:04 26:45
Split time Discipline total Total time
Distance Time Pace Time Time
Bike 10 KM 10 km 41:07 14.59 km/h 41:07 1:07:52
Bike 20 KM 10 km 41:33 14.44 km/h 1:22:40 1:49:25
Bike 30 KM 10 km 42:29 14.12 km/h 2:05:09 2:31:54
Bike 40 KM 10 km 43:49 13.69 km/h 2:48:58 3:15:43
Total 40 km 2:48:58 14.20 km/h 2:48:58 3:15:43
Split time Discipline total Total time
Time Time Time
T2 1:09 1:09 3:16:52
Split time Discipline total Total time
Distance Time Pace Time Time
Run 5 KM 5 km 31:11 6:14 min/km 31:11 3:48:03
Run 10 KM 5 km 30:43 6:08 min/km 1:01:54 4:18:46
Total 10 km 1:01:54 6:11 min/km 1:01:54 4:18:46
Race Statistics
Completed participants divided by chip time