The Fast and Furious
Nissens A/S


Timer Minutter Sekunder

Distance Stafetløb herrer
Hastighed 13,73 km/t
Tempo 4:22 min/km
Hold (#20)
The Fast and Furious
Nissens A/S
5 deltagere
The Fast and Furious
Startnummer Navn Tid Sluttidspunkt Placering køn Spurt slut
20-1 Rozbeh Ebrahimi 10:51 18:41:13 107 0:25
20-2 Jesper Hoy Jensen 11:08 18:41:30 120 0:25
20-3 Tommy Buhl 12:22 18:42:44 210 0:29
20-4 Martin Grant 12:20 18:42:42 208 0:29
20-5 Kasper Kristoffersen 11:12 18:41:34 123 0:23