16. maj 2023 -
21. maj 2023


Race Around Denmark (RAD) offers 3 challenges, supported and unsupported. RAD passes through some of the most beautiful and challenging terrain Denmark has to offer. It demands a strong physique, and will of steel to conquer either one of our 3 challenges, be it 1600, 800 or 400km. 

During the race, there will be great opportunities for family, friends, colleagues and others to follow the riders, as we have a great system for tracking the participants, which more than 7500 people do every year, many of them also come out on the parkour, to cheer the riders!

The race starts and ends near Aarhus, where you va sleep/rest before, during and after the race. It will even be possible to bring your own caravan or tent at the race site.

What is included?
- Awesome start / finish area, in 2023 with sausages on the barbeque for the starting riders!

- Excellent Live Tracking service, provided by Follow my Challenge, and followed by more than 7500 people every year in Denmark and around the world. 

- Pro photo service, at the start, on course and at the finish, free of charge. 

- Food and drinks for you and your crew, before the race and at the finish. 

– Supported tickets include, snacks, drinks and a pasta salad at the start. A home made burger and drinks at the finish, for both the riders and the crew!

– Unsupported tickecs include, snacks, drinks and a pasta salad at the start. A home made burger and drinks at the finish! SAG service. RAD offer the possibility to be picked up, and driven to nearest train station in case of a DNF, and with no public transportion available within a reasonable amount of time. Expect at least 3 - 4 hours before pick-up, and transport only offered to nearest Train-Station, Not to the finish line. 

MORE INFO : www.racearounddenmark.org


 Event information
16. maj 2023
17. maj 2023
18. maj 2023
19. maj 2023
20. maj 2023
21. maj 2023
Gl. Lygten Strandkro
Strandvejen 210 st.
8543 Hornslet
Se kort herunder
Tilmelding er lukket
200 km
Starter 12:00

Pris pr. deltager
Pris 599,00 DKK + gebyr
Håndteringsgebyr: 20,00 DKK + 0,8% pr. deltager
400 km
Starter 16:00

Pris pr. deltager
Pris 999,00 DKK + gebyr
Håndteringsgebyr: 20,00 DKK + 0,8% pr. deltager
800 km

Pris pr. deltager
Til og med 30. jun 2022 1.499,00 DKK + gebyr
Fra 1. jul 2022 1.799,00 DKK + gebyr
Håndteringsgebyr: 20,00 DKK + 0,8% pr. deltager
1600 km
Starter 16:00

Pris pr. deltager
Til og med 30. jun 2022 2.199,00 DKK + gebyr
Fra 1. jul 2022 2.599,00 DKK + gebyr
Håndteringsgebyr: 20,00 DKK + 0,8% pr. deltager
1600 km
Starter 17:00

Pris pr. deltager
Til og med 30. jun 2022 1.249,00 DKK + gebyr
Fra 1. jul 2022 1.449,00 DKK + gebyr
Håndteringsgebyr: 20,00 DKK + 0,8% pr. deltager
200 km
Starter 12:00

Pris pr. deltager
Pris 249,00 DKK + gebyr
Håndteringsgebyr: 20,00 DKK + 0,8% pr. deltager
200 km
Starter 12:00

Pris pr. deltager
Pris 199,00 DKK + gebyr
Håndteringsgebyr: 20,00 DKK + 0,8% pr. deltager
400 km
Starter 16:00

Pris pr. deltager
Til og med 30. jun 2022 799,00 DKK + gebyr
Fra 1. jul 2022 999,00 DKK + gebyr
Håndteringsgebyr: 20,00 DKK + 0,8% pr. deltager
400 km
Starter 16:00

Pris pr. deltager
Til og med 30. jun 2022 549,00 DKK + gebyr
Fra 1. jul 2022 649,00 DKK + gebyr
Håndteringsgebyr: 20,00 DKK + 0,8% pr. deltager
800 km
Starter 16:00

Pris pr. deltager
Til og med 30. jun 2022 999,00 DKK + gebyr
Fra 1. jul 2022 1.199,00 DKK + gebyr
Håndteringsgebyr: 20,00 DKK + 0,8% pr. deltager
800 km
Starter 16:00

Pris pr. deltager
Til og med 30. jun 2022 649,00 DKK + gebyr
Fra 1. jul 2022 749,00 DKK + gebyr
Håndteringsgebyr: 20,00 DKK + 0,8% pr. deltager
1600 km
Starter 16:00

Pris pr. deltager
Til og med 30. nov 2023 1.499,00 DKK + gebyr
Fra 1. dec 2023 1.699,00 DKK + gebyr
Håndteringsgebyr: 20,00 DKK + 0,8% pr. deltager
1600 km
Starter 16:00

Pris pr. deltager
Til og med 30. jun 2022 899,00 DKK + gebyr
Fra 1. jul 2022 999,00 DKK + gebyr
Håndteringsgebyr: 20,00 DKK + 0,8% pr. deltager


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Race Around Denmark 2023

  • Gl. Lygten Strandkro
  • Strandvejen 210 st.
  • 8543 Hornslet
  • Danmark