30. maj 2024
Distortion and NBRO are teaming up to throw down a race that Copenhagen never seen before. 

Mark your calendars - on May 30th, when Distortion hits Nørrebro. 
A 1000m sprint down Nørrebrogade finishing at the legendary Dronning Louises Bro. Starting at 15:45 just before nørrebrogade turns into a festive celebration of Copenhagen . 

This race is showcasing 200 of the fastest runners in Denmark in an urban race setting in the middle of one of the most unique cultural events in Copenhagen. 

Everyone can enter, so if you got a fast 1000m then stay tuned. 

After the race we will host a stage and a bar at Sortedams Dosseringen 19. 

The ticket includes a Distortion "gadearmbånd" and a drink at the afterparty. 

Run, Party, Repeat 

 Event information
30. maj 2024
Tilmelding er lukket

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