Nordic Race Copenhagen 2014


Startnr. Deltager Distance
625Vinni Von BenzonNordicRace - The Sprint (14.juni)
1665Vivi Aalestup ChristensenNordicRace - The Beach (14. september)
1249Vivian Brock DjørupNordicRace - The Beach (14. september)
441Vivian MagelundNordicRace - The Burnout (27. april)
1764Vivian Magelund Bach-PetersenNordicRace - The Beach (14. september)
1873Wael AdnanNordicRace - The Beach (14. september)
600Werner DamgaardNordicRace - The Beach (14. september)
1692William BirkvangNordicRace - The Beach (14. september)
1210William BreitensteinNordicRace - The Sprint (14.juni)
1738William BreitensteinNordicRace - The Beach (14. september)
1460William LundingNordicRace - The Beach (14. september)
387William RahbekNordicRace - The Beach (14. september)
1251William RahbekNordicRace - The Sprint (14.juni)
1208Winnie KofodNordicRace - The Beach (14. september)
412Wongsupha ThaweeyotNordicRace - The Sprint (14.juni)
1155Xenia JørgensenNordicRace - The Beach (14. september)
894Yasser Echarte ZuluetaNordicRace - The Sprint (14.juni)
159Yesica CarlsonNordicRace - The Beach (14. september)
152Yesica CarlsonNordicRace - The Sprint (14.juni)
333Yoann RegentNordicRace - The Beach (14. september)
809Yoep DuinkerkenNordicRace - The Beach (14. september)
234Yusuf nyonyintono LindeholmNordicRace - The Warrior (15.juni)
305Yusuf nyonyintono LindeholmNordicRace - The Burnout (27. april)
664Zaki Lustü El-louanzariNordicRace - The Warrior (15.juni)
99Zenia LundagerNordicRace - The Beach (14. september)
1237Zenia TranebækNordicRace - The Sprint (14.juni)
1366Zita Anita HaldNordicRace - The Sprint (14.juni)
259Zita Anita HaldNordicRace - The Beach (14. september)